Monday, June 21, 2010

二番: Ramen Ya

Okay so, today Mr. Tofu, Sachi Pachi, and Pikachou tried out a new ramen shop that opened up across from Walmart in Pearl City! :D
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010
Where: Ramen Ya; Pearl City, Hawaii

Very similar to another popular ramen shop on the island, Genki Ramen, the very first visit to Ramen Ya was very, VERY successful...and tasty :)

[Mr. Tofu posing outside of the restaurant, looking pretty :) such a nice day too <3] align="center">

Pikachou's order? Mabo-tofu udon (yes UDON, not RAMEN) with a side-order of cold tofu! Mmmmmm! So very yummy and a must-have for tofu-lovers everywhere! :D And to cool down after drinking the spicy soup, sweetened green iced tea :) (Arizona green tea? Try it and let me know what you think)

*for those of you who don't know what Mabo-tofu is, its a Chinese dish, made with soft tofu combined with a spicy chili-bean based sauce, usually topped with minced pork. Aside from being a topper on a big bowl of ramen (or udon), Mabo-tofu is also served on rice or over Japanese-style curry rice.

Mr. Tofu's order? Mochiko chicken plate with a side-order of spam katsu and a nice, big, ice-cold glass of coke :) I must admit, the spam katsu was very interesting :P Not exactly a personal favorite of mine but, if you love spam, by all means, try it :)

Finally, Sachi Pachi's order? Shoyu ramen and fruit punch! Every kiddie's favorite (even though, technically, Sachi Pachi is no longer a kid XP). No specific side-order for Sachi but she did share the cold tofu with me :)

Overall rating, 10/10!! Yay! Definitely a must-try for anyone who loves ramen!
Oh, and before I forget to mention, Ramen Ya has a Happy Hour! :D
from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm on weekdays, you get a FREE 4 piece gyoza with any regular meal. Not a bad deal and totally worth it :D
Until next time everyone, jyaa ne! Yondekurete arigatou!

1 comment:

  1. Umami's made spam katsu before. Hint: you don't need oil to fry it, it kinda provides it's own . . . ;-)
